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RSOC Application Form

Membership Information / Join / Renewal

Membership category and annual membership fee:

____ Individual     $15   (renewal $10)

____ Single w/children     $15   (renewal $10)

____ Married couple with or without children under 18    $30  (renewal $20)


I fully realize that RSOC activities involve a risk of personal injury and property damage, and I do hereby agree to assume all risk of any injury, damage, or loss of my person or property. And I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any claims or rights against the Raleigh Ski and Outing Club, Inc., and all of its officers, directors and coordinators for any and all injury, damage , or loss to my person and property incurred during these activities.

If my application is approved, I hereby agree to abide by the Bylaws and Policies of Raleigh Ski and Outing Club Inc.


Payments may also be sent to:
Carol Rowe
7905 Kingsland Dr
Raleigh, NC 27613

Please note: Payments must accompany application (no cash, checks only please, or join/renew on the web [] with credit card.) All applications must be approved by the Board of Directors. Payment covers a 12 month membership period. (Payments are not tax deductible)

 Download  RSOC Application Form